Flat lay of Fresh Healthy Fruits

Virtual Group





Group of People on a Video Call from Home.

What is



Group of people meditating in park

Wellness Coaching focuses on behavior change based on YOUR terms.

Client centered goal planning, habit forming and driven conversations.

We bridge the gap between your physical, emotional, social, and spiritual lives and guide you how to achieve your healthiest self.

Why is this for


You spent your 20's and 30s having babies, nurturing a home, children, and/or your career. Maybe the pandemic left you overwhelmed and lost in your health journey.

You’ve endured devastating losses, experienced transcendent life events, and added insurmountable responsibility in your career in a relatively short time.

Young Moms with Their Kids

These life events have left you feeling lost and confused in what is the best path to take with your transformation.

I was there too, six years ago, when I started my fitness journey. I WISH I had this guidance when I started. Someone to hold my hand and guide me on a path that I knew I needed to forge on my own.

WHat will

Virtual Wellness Coaching

Help you achieve?

Through virtual wellness coaching, you will join a small group of like-minded women who like you, crave a bit of guidance and support throughout their wellness journey.

With individual wellness coaching, I will be there to guide you on your journey to elicit and inspire change


You will feel connected, empowered and ready to embrace the changes so desperately needed in your life.

Wellness coaching does not replace your healthcare, therapy nor counseling services. Coaching is designed to empower you to be in the drivers seat.


WHat's included?

A complete 12 week or 24 week program program designed to guide you through each dimension of wellness.

  • 1 60-90 minute Goal Planning and Visualization Call
  • Weekly 30-45 minute group or individual coaching call.
  • 1 monthly virtual spiritual healing workshop with Romy Moreno Intuitive Healing Coach (for Group only).
  • Access to HIPAA compliant Healthi app.
  • Journaling prompts, food journaling, daily reflections and more.
  • Wellness guidance modules to complete before each call- on your own time.
  • Weekly mindset and accountability check-in with Coach Ria.
  • Nutrition coaching, meal tips and recipes.

Real Wellness Talk w/ Coach Ria

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12 Week Virtual Group Coaching Program

Investment Options

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4 Virtual Group Calls a month

Journaling guides

Habit building

Access to secure health app

Weekly check-ins

1 Spiritual healing group call with Romy Moreno

Nutrition Coaching


4 Virtual Group Calls

Journaling guides

Habit building

Access to secure health app

Weekly check-ins

1 Spiritual healing group call monthly with Romy Moreno

Nutrition Coaching


in full

Monthly Rate

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Real Wellness Talk w/ Coach Ria

12 Week Individual Virtual Coaching Program

Investment Options

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Monthly Fee


1 60-90 Minute Individual Goal Setting and Discovery call

1 30-45min Virtual Individual Calls weekly

Healthie Modules with Journaling Guides, Workbooks and reminder emails.

Habit building worksheets & Audio Meditations

Access to secure health app Healthie

Weekly check-ins

FREE when you sign up for 6 MONTHS

Nutrition Coaching!

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